French Laundry - Part Deux

The Setting Food preparation Cocktail hour The Kids The Casts Food Platting  The gag gifts

Gag Gifts

As always, we can count on Cindy to entertain us.  She came up with the gag gifts for the guys.  Each guy had to select a bag and open it up in front of everyone.... This is so hilarious!

The theme was "The village People". The Village People were a  band in the late 1970s. The group were also well known for their outrageous on-stage costumes which got the inspiration for creating an assembly of American man archetypes.

Duy is the Magician (the hat is on his lap) - Nice Leopard string! 


Dung is the American Patriot.


Tuan is el Sombrero.


Maily seems to like what she sees...



Hoa is the construction guy with yellow hard hat and black ultra mini underwear.



Phuc is our illegal immigrant worker... He is inspecting really closely at the underwear.  Somehow, something is not quite right!  Turns out it was made for woman Plus sizes.


Tuan is our fire fighter with red hot underwear and hat.



Not sure what Tuan supposed to be.. a Carpenter?? sounds good to me.


Front view of Village People

An American Patriot, a Carpenter, a Sombrero, a Construction guy, an illegal Immigrant, a Magician and a fire fighter....


Side View...Too funny! 

By the way, I don't think the guys would be caught dead wearing these undies any day of the week but for the spirit of the game and in the spur of the moment, combine with the right mood and atmosphere, they are willing to model the outfits and entertain us.  Seems like they had a wonderful time poking fun at themselves.


Happy Birthday!!!


The birthday boys blew the candles.. Hope they make a wish.

Can I make a wish too?  I'm hoping that this will become a tradition.

I'll drink to that!  Cheers and hope to get an invitation for next year!



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