French Laundry - Part Deux

The Setting Food preparation Cocktail hour The Kids The Casts Food Platting  The gag gifts

Cocktail hour

It's official, the Party is starting now!

Here are the cast members (we are missing a few people in this picture).

Huyen, Phuc, Thuy, Cindy, Maily, Dung, Tuan Vu, Tuan Nguyen, Phuong and Tuan Ngo.


Huyen and I are having lively conversation!



Big Cheers!

The appetizers are ready to go in the oven.

Wild Boar, Venison and Lamb sausage en croûte (pig in a blanket) served with a spicy garlic tomato sauce.

We have a happy crowd here.

Huyen, Thuy, Cindy, Mai-Ly and Dung


Beside being a great chef, Tuan N. is also know for his talent as a great bartender.  He can make the best Cosmo, Margaritas and many more...

Big cheer to the hosts!


Next... The Kids




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