French Laundry - Part Deux

The Setting Food preparation Cocktail hour The Kids The Casts Food Platting  The gag gifts

Food Preparation..

Before the arrival of the guests, the chef is putting on the grill some buffalo and Venison meat specially flown from New York.

Two lobes of fresh Foie Gras (Fatty liver)

Foie Gras is enlarged livers of male ducks and geese obtained by force-feeding which causes their livers to swell to up to 10 times their normal size.


Maily and I were the first guests to arrive.  We are touring he kitchen to see if we can give a hand.


The chef at work in his element...


In the center of the stove is the making of Foie Gras. On the right, Sauté Mushrooms in white wine and on the left Sauté Apples.

Here is the sous-chef, Hanh, platting Duck's breasts


We are talking about real professional at work in the kitchen!

Tuan is showing us how a Seared Foie Gras looked like. 

Plating the first course, Duck's breast with Sauté Apples.


Chef Ngo inspecting the plates...Looks like it will pass inspection.


A real close look at Seared Foie Gras!  Yum...


Next... Cocktail Hour




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