Suzhou, China - 5/5/2023

Train to Suzhou/Hanshan Temple The great hall Inner courtyard Grand canal and bells

Inner Courtyard

We are headed to the inner Courtyard


In front of the hall is a wall full of hanging red lanterns.



Garden with Chinese character made with flowers.


Close look at how the flowers are used to make a Chinese character.


Getting closer to the hall


Closer look at the hanging lanterns.


It is so colorful!



A little rest area.


This large courtyard hosted a space to light incense.


Red ribbons are tied to trees for good luck.


An enormous rectangular burner.


The burner was very active with so many people burning their offerings.




People holding incense and praying.


A man praying.

You can go inside the temple to pray too.


Candles are lit so people can burn their incense.


A scenic walkway inside the temple



Traditional roof top along the way



Another hall with trees in the courtyard.


People hanging red ribbons on the tree


It is beautiful and vibrant.


People resting while watching people going by...


Another hall along the way,




NEXT... Grand Canal





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 Mon  petit coin